Like the residents of this community, I care deeply about the issues that affect us all, like protecting reproductive rights, access to healthcare, strong schools for our children, and upholding our democracy. For too long, our representatives in Madison have not listened to our needs, and have instead pursued legislation that does not support our shared values and individual rights. Now is the time for all of us to be heard, and as your Assembly Representative, I will be that voice.
A Wisconsin native and 25-year resident of Ozaukee County, Dana Glasstein is a dedicated educator and a tireless community volunteer. Dana was a petitioner in the lawsuit that ended the extreme partisan gerrymander restoring our rights to true and fair representation.
Dana is married to Neil, a retired U.S. Navy veteran (Iraq, Afghanistan) and proud mother of two including an officer in the U.S. Air Force. She holds a BA in East Asian Languages and an MA in English with a specialization in teaching English as a Second Language.
The decision to become a parent is deeply personal and private and should not be decided by lawmakers or court litigation. Medical decisions must be left to a woman and her healthcare provider without the fear of government intrusion or legal action. Since the overturning of Roe v. Wade, we have heard the agonizing stories of women, some near death, who were denied access to reproductive healthcare. We must act to ensure that access to all reproductive healthcare, including birth control, remains safe and legal. I stand with the clear majority of Wisconsinites on these critical values.
A strong, robust public education system is critical to Wisconsin’s economic well-being. Without appropriate investment, we risk losing what makes Wisconsin special. We must hire and pay qualified K-12 teachers who are able to meet the educational needs of all students. Higher education and skills training needs to be affordable and attainable for every Wisconsinite. As a long-time educator in the Wisconsin Technical College System, I see how access to innovative higher education changes students’ lives and supports the ever-changing needs of industries and businesses.
Recent attacks on our elections have challenged our fundamental democratic principles. Elections in Wisconsin are free and fair, and we must not allow unfounded claims of fraud to undermine our trust in democracy and disenfranchise voters. Transparency in our state government is essential, and access to voting for all eligible Wisconsinites must be upheld.
We should all feel safe in our community. Like the majority of Wisconsinites, I support common sense gun regulations like “red flag” laws and background checks for all gun purchases and expanding access to mental health resources. I support our police and all emergency responders.
All Wisconsinites deserve quality, affordable healthcare. Unfortunately, our current legislature continues to support a system that is overpriced and unfair. Prescription prices are out of control and out-of-pocket costs continue to rise. Despite broad public support for expanding Medicaid, Wisconsin Republicans have refused to expand BadgerCare, needlessly leaving tens of thousands of our fellow Wisconsinites with sub-standard care. I will tirelessly fight to expand access to quality healthcare and decrease costs.
After the Wisconsin State Supreme Court ruled the state maps unconstitutional, new maps were drawn in the 2024 redistricting to ensure that all voices are heard. District 22 now includes Port Washington, Grafton, Cedarburg, northwest Mequon, and the Town of Germantown.